Now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year. Apply Here.
We are committed to providing quality, Christian care to all children. The rate of aftercare is $5.00 an hour. Should you need this service on a somewhat regular basis, please see staff for a contract form. After-school care begins at 2:30 PM and ends at 5:00 PM, rounding always to the quarter hour. Should anyone (not under contract) need to be late for regular pick-up, please contact the school or your child's teacher. Anyone not picked up by 2:40 PM will be billed by the quarter hour. Anything after 5:00 PM is billed at $10.00 per hour. A small snack is included.
Concordia Classical Academy (CCA) strives to achieve an atmosphere of Christ-like love and consideration and a personalized education in a family-type setting. We welcome new students to make them feel part of our family. We desire to treat others as we would want to be treated as we love God and our neighbor (Matthew 22:37). The students are expected to treat staff, volunteers, and all in authority with respect.
Regular attendance is important for your child's education as schoolwork is planned with daily attendance in mind. Tardiness or irregular attendance can cause a child to get behind, become discouraged, and not do as well as he/she can and should do in school. Please notify the school office and your child's teacher when your child is absent from school before 8:30. At that time, let us know the reason for the absence, how long you expect your child to be absent - if known, and how assignments can be picked up. A student is given a partial absence if gone more than 60 minutes of the school day. A tardy is defined as arrival in the classroom after 8:15 am, but before 8:30 am. Students riding the bus may be exempt.
Celebrations are held at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Birthdays may be celebrated with special treats for the class. Parents are asked to speak with their child's teacher as to convenient times and snacks for such events. Unless a blanket invitation is being extended to an entire class, private party invitations should be distributed away from school.
God’s word is central to our work and mission at CCA. Chapel services are held each Wednesday, as our community worships together. Students are encouraged to bring a chapel offering each week, which is sent to a Christian mission.
CCA choirs will participate in worship, outside of Chapel, once per month. Student participation is expected as part of the child’s music grade. A schedule is provided in advance, so families can plan accordingly. If your child is unable to participate, please provide a written excuse in advance.
School days at CCA start and end with prayer and devotion. Students will ask for God's blessing on their meal and thank Him for it in prayer.
Discipline at CCA is based on Christian principles. We expect a oneness of spirit in the hearts of parents, children, and teachers. This does not mean that problems will not arise, but that we share a common basis from which to resolve problems. Our goal is self-discipline, and we begin even at an early age to help a child be aware of his or her own responsibility for his or her own behavior. We believe that simple basic rules with a positive attitude and approach make this possible. Teachers will use age-appropriate discipline techniques. If a specific problem of discipline arises, the teacher will communicate with the parents, arranging a meeting if necessary to discuss and resolve the problems. The parents may also initiate discussion.
We ask parents to help us by monitoring what is worn to school. Simplicity, suitability (i.e. weather), cleanliness, modesty, chastity, safety, and good taste should govern the manner in which our students dress for school. A student’s appearance should not cause a distraction to the learning environment. Any clothing deemed to have an inappropriate or negative message, symbol, or picture will need to be changed or reversed so that the message, etc., is not visible. Articles of clothing often removed during the day should be labeled. To avoid excessive tracking of dirt into the building, all children should wear removable boots in snowy weather. During cold and snowy weather, students should have a pair of shoes in addition to the boots that they wear to and from school. Students should dress for the cold weather throughout the winter months. We will play outside if the weather permits.
A child must be 5 years old before September 1, to start the kindergarten program. All immunization records must be current.
CCA offers various activities. We do, however, maintain that athletics hold secondary importance in the making of disciples for Christ. We encourage all students to take advantage of the extra-curricular activities available. However, if a student is not fulfilling his/her academic requirements by maintaining a "C" in all subjects or not exhibiting a positive Christian attitude, he/she will be refused participation in those activities.
Field trips are a chance for children to learn outside the classroom. A few trips will be planned, and permission slips are sent home in time to be returned before the trip. The trips will require parent chaperones.
Students require a safe environment for learning. Harassment prevents students from enjoying fully the educational and fellowship benefits that are part of our program. There will be no harassment (improper conduct of a sexual, physical, or verbal nature which creates a hostile environment) of another student.
There is not always sufficient time in the school day for a child to do all the required work. The amount of work that a child will have to do at home will depend upon the ability of the child and how well he makes use of the available time during the school day. If you have a concern about the amount of schoolwork your child brings home, please discuss this with the teacher.
The bookmobile comes every week. In order to check out books, students need to have a current library card at school. CCA also has books in the library that the children can check out.
Lost articles are turned into the office. These articles may be claimed through one of the teachers, staff, or Pastor. If articles are not claimed in a reasonable amount of time or if any articles are left at the end of the year, they will be donated.
We ask that children eat lunch peacefully. We encourage children to try all the food served to them. Lunches can be ordered and paid through the school lunch program. A menu for the following week can be found in the newsletter at the end of each week. Cold lunch may also be brought from home and milk purchased separately if desired. Student microwave use will not be permitted. Acceptable beverages include water or milk.
Whenever possible, parents/guardians should make arrangements so that it is not necessary for school personnel to administer medication at school. There are cases when a student's health could be compromised by not getting medication at school and in those cases, we ask you to comply with the following medication guidelines: Prescription: Medication must be in a container labeled by the pharmacy or physician with the child's name, the medication, the dosage, and the physician's name. Long-term use of medication must have a signed statement by the doctor and parent. Short-term medications must have a statement signed by the parent. A responsible adult should bring the medication, including an EpiPen, to the school office. A parent's request must also accompany medication which will be self-administered. Asthma inhalers must be treated as other medications and kept in a safe place unless the parent/guardian has specified in writing that the inhaler is to stay with the student. In those cases, the student must report to the teacher when he/she has used the inhaler in order for this to be documented.
The principal will meet with new students and families, coming mid-year, prior to admission to determine if CCA is an appropriate fit.
All faculty and staff are mandatory reporters. It is the legal responsibility of the staff to report to the police or welfare agency anything that appears to be neglect or abuse. The staff will be held liable if they choose not to report something, which is determined neglect or abuse, by the proper authorities.
CCA admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate based on race, color, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship programs, and all other school-administered programs. This policy is carried out in principle and practice at CCA.
In working together for the best interests of the children, it is important that the lines of communication between home and school be kept open and that information flows both ways. For that reason, the school issues formal reports at the end of each quarter. Private conferences that afford parents and teachers an opportunity to discuss matters of importance are scheduled in the school calendar. Report cards are given prior to the conference. If the parents desire further consultation, they should schedule a meeting with the teacher. Since the need for a conference isn't restricted to report cards, both parents and teachers are encouraged to contact one another any time that they think it is necessary. If you see a problem developing, make an appointment with the teacher.
Students are expected to keep their desks, lockers, and books in good order. Any items that are a distraction or nuisance to other students or the teacher will be confiscated for the student's safety and protection and to avoid having anything of value stolen or lost. The use of electronic devices, including phones, watches, and tablets, is not allowed in the building. These items must be turned off during the school day and aftercare. Any usage during the school day or after-care will result in the confiscation of the device. Devices will be returned to the parent only. A phone is available in the office should a student need to contact a parent.
Physical and sexual misconduct is contrary to Christian principles and is prohibited. All persons employed by or volunteer assisting CCA are subject to church screening procedures and must comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws regarding incidents of actual or suspected physical and sexual misconduct. Any suspected physical and sexual misconduct must be reported to Nicollet County Human Services.
Students who have shown satisfactory progress during the school year will be promoted to the next level. In the primary program, children are encouraged to work at their own rate, achieving their individual level or potential. In some cases, it may be determined, after careful study that a child would benefit from an additional year at the primary level. All areas of child development are taken into consideration including social and emotional growth, academic achievement level and physical development before a decision is made. The parents will be informed and included in these discussions.
Each fall new registration packets are assembled. At that time, current tuition rates will be included. Current tuition rates are also available on the school's website.
Safety drills will be conducted throughout the year.
In the event of inclement weather, the school may be closed, and families will be notified. On such days, local radio and television stations will broadcast the closing. If you hear that District 77 is closing due to bad weather conditions, you will know that CCA will also be closing. In case of weather-related early dismissal, the children will be kept at school until the parents are contacted and arrangements made.
The school office maintains emergency information regarding names, addresses, and phone numbers for parents and will report student sicknesses or accidents to parents as soon as possible. In case of communicable diseases, the school must be notified immediately. If possible, report to the teacher any exposure to communicable diseases. Children need to be fever free and must be free of symptoms for 24 hours, without medication, before returning to school.
The school office maintains records of students’ grades, test scores, and attendance. Health records are on file with the district nurse. Parents may have access to their child's school records upon request. Parents must give their written consent before school records will be released to a third party.
After three tardies, there will be a fee of $5 per tardy child. Warnings will be issued.
Technology use is a privilege. Students maintain that privilege by complying with the user guidelines. Technology is a gift from God. Like any other gift, it is up to us to use the gift wisely to glorify God and advance His Kingdom. We pray that God will bless our efforts to enhance our students' educational experience through technology. Family and students will need to review and sign the Technology Acceptable Use Agreement prior to using school technology.
Standardized testing will regularly occur throughout the school year. The results from these tests will be shared with parents.
District Transportation: District 77 busing is available for students living in this district. Parents wishing to utilize district busing need to let CCA know so that District 77 can be contacted and arrangements made. Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right. All bus rules should be observed. If a student repeatedly misbehaves on the bus, the privilege may be revoked. Non-district transportation: All non-District 77 parents are responsible for arranging transportation to and from school. Carpools and district subsidy are possibilities to pursue. Most school districts have reimbursements for transporting your own children to a school outside their district. You may contact your school district's administration office at Central Reservation, 10 Civic Center Plaza for more information and guidelines concerning this. On the days that CCA might be in session and the public school is closed, parents will be expected to provide transportation to and from school. If special arrangements are needed, please contact the school.
Marking or in any way deliberately marring or destroying congregational/school property or the property of another person is wasting God's gifts to us. We reserve the right to collect damages in such cases. This will be strictly enforced. Students are to treat textbooks, workbooks, and all school property with care. Fines or replacement costs will be assessed when items are abused.
Parents are encouraged to visit at any time. If you plan to visit a classroom, please notify the teacher in advance of your visit. This is a courtesy to our teacher since there are times when visitors could interrupt the flow of instruction.
There are several areas where parents and friends of the school can directly play a part in the total education program of CCA. We encourage you to consider assisting in these volunteer programs if your interest and time allow your participation. Individual training will be given if needed.
Parents are strongly encouraged to be regular in their attendance of both Church and Sunday school. If school families do not have a church home of their own, we invite them to join us in the worship of our Lord at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and share with us regularly the blessings of the Gospel. Classroom teachers will record church attendance.
Weapons: Bringing a dangerous weapon on school property is a violation of school rules and a felony under Minnesota Law. A student may not possess a weapon at any time on school property. It is required, that any student wishing to bring a tool, which could be classified as a weapon, receives prior approval. Violation of this policy may result in penalties of immediate suspension and/or expulsion from school and referral to law enforcement agencies. Smoking or Vaping: Any student found smoking or vaping on school property or in the possession of smoking materials at any time while under the supervision of the school will be suspended, and parents will be contacted. Repeat offenders may be charged by the local law enforcement agencies. Drugs and Alcohol: Any student using or possessing alcohol or drugs or offering to sell alcohol or drugs on school property will be suspended for up to 10 days and could be subjected to an evaluation by a chemical health counselor before they are readmitted to school. Notification will also be given to local law enforcement agencies. Any student having subsequent drug or alcohol-related violations will be expelled at the discretion of the school board.
2101 Lor Ray Drive, North Mankato, MN 56003
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"Schooling can be about how to make a life, which is quite different from how to make a living"- Neil Postman
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