Building a foundation of faith through Lutheran catechesis and Scripture memory
A hallmark of Lutheran catechesis is memory work. This is an important piece in our goal to teach our students here what is true, what is good, and what is beautiful.
As we joyfully take up the task our God has given us to do, to pass on this saving faith in Jesus, once delivered to the saint (Jude 1:3) this framework is specifically designed to allow teachers to execute the plan in the best way according to age and abilities in the classroom. The ultimate goal is for our students to have tucked away in their hearts the very promises of Christ, so that, when the storms of life hit them, they will find that the Word of God dwells richly with them. (Philippians 4:7)
To ensure continuity through all years of education, each classroom will use the 1986 version of Luther's Small Catechism, and the ESV translation of the Bible.
Learn by heart for seventh and eighth grade will be incorporated into the systematic theology course taught by the pastor.