Our Mission

Our Mission

At Concordia Classical Academy, in partnership with families, we strive to help students grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ as they grow in body, mind and spirit with truth, goodness and beauty.

Students in chapel

Christ-Centered Education

Our foundation is built upon God's Word, ensuring that every aspect of our education points to Christ. We believe that true wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord, and we integrate this truth into every subject and activity.

Classical education in action

Classical Approach

Through the time-tested classical approach, we cultivate wisdom and virtue in our students. Our curriculum embraces truth, goodness, and beauty, helping students develop strong character and critical thinking skills.

Parent and teacher collaboration

Partnership with Families

We recognize that parents are the primary educators of their children. Our role is to come alongside families, supporting and partnering with them in their God-given responsibility to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Through regular communication, shared values, and mutual commitment, we work together to provide an education that nurtures the whole child - body, mind, and spirit.